Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Masterplan to be drawn up for Skipton Railway Station and surrounding areas

Craven District Council has agreed to draw up a masterplan for the future development of Skipton Railway Station and its surrounding areas.

The scheme is part of the Council’s Skipton Employment and Housing Growth Project, funded by £5 million from the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership.

The masterplan will promote the creation of high quality places, spaces and buildings, secure environmental improvements and improve the quality of public space.

Council leader, Councillor Richard Foster, said: “We believe this masterplan will bring great economic and environmental benefits to Skipton and the wider area.

“If we get this plan right it could lead to many more millions of pounds’ worth of private sector investment.

“We know there is great potential in the area around Skipton Railway Station; we can make much better use of this area.

“We will be carrying out extensive engagement and consultation with the public and stakeholders throughout this process.”

To prepare the masterplan, a transport framework will be drawn up, along with a parking strategy for the town. There will be particular emphasis placed on encouraging people to make more journeys on foot, bicycle and public transport.

The masterplan area will be focused around Skipton Railway Station, incorporating Sandylands Business Centre and Carleton New Road Industrial Estate, Skipton Fire Station and the former LMS Social Club site.

The masterplan, which is expected to take up to a year to complete, will also incorporate Cavendish Street Car Park and Skipton Bus Station.

The areas in the masterplan have been identified as regeneration opportunities in the draft Local Plan.

The Growth Project also includes the upgrade of Engine Shed Land and Ings Lane to adoptable standard, and creation of a new road linking the end of Ings Lane with the A629 bypass and Wyvern Park.

Pedestrian routes from the Railway Station to key destinations will also be improved, including the upgrade of the canal towpath from Broughton Road to the town centre.