Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Noise Assessment

Noise Assessments will be required to be provided with planning applications proposing:

• new development that may create additional noise in areas where noise sensitive receptors (such as dwellings) already exists; and
• new noise sensitive development in areas that already experiences significant noise levels.

In this regard, development that may create additional noise would include: -
- development in which industrial (Use Class B2 uses) would take place;
- development that incorporates HGV turning, loading and unloading areas (such as large retail developments or B8 storage uses);
- development that incorporates external plant and equipment that generates noise;
- development that may result in noise associated with the users of the proposal, particularly outside daylight hours e.g., night clubs, event venues

Noise sensitive development will include:
• residential properties,
• hostels and hotels.
• schools
• hospitals

Areas that already experience significant noise levels will normally contain noise generating developments, major road or transport infrastructure or other significant sources of noise.

Any noise assessment shall need to have regard to the advice contained in the Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG)

Noise assessments will need to establish the observed effect levels relevant to the proposed development and where appropriate set out proposed mitigation measures to address noise issues. This may include details of sound insulation.