Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment will be required, depending on the nature and type of the proposed development.

Such an assessment will be required for applications proposing: -

  • development other than householder development in the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or where it could impact on the landscape setting of the AONB or Yorkshire Dales National Park;
  • major development on undeveloped land outside settlement boundaries;
    - development that will have a more than insignificant impact on valued landscapes and their visual amenity.
  • Major, tall or bulky development, including open storage, in the open countryside.

The assessment should identify the different elements that give a place its unique character -landform, woodlands and specimen trees, hedgerows, land use, historic artefacts, building styles and settlement patterns. From this assessment, it should be demonstrated to what extent the proposed development may alter the fabric, quality and character of the landscape.

The assessment should also identify where the proposed development can be seen from (and record this information on a map with accompanying photographs/photomontages from the various viewpoints) demonstrating

  • the extent to which those views would be occupied by the proposed development (degree of visual intrusion),
  • the distance of the viewpoint from the site, and
  • whether views would focus on the proposed development due to proximity or whether the proposed development would form one element in a panoramic view.

Consideration should be given to seasonal differences arising from the degree of vegetative screening and filtering of views that will arise in summer/winter; and also, to any cumulative effect of the proposals.

From this assessment the change in the character of the landscape resulting from the proposed development and the change in views/visual amenity may be determined. The assessment should also clearly set out mitigation measures to address any adverse landscape and/or visual effects identified.

The LPA’s Landscape Appraisals should be consulted as the starting point to understand significance and assess impact.