Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Transport Assessment (TA)

In determining whether a Transport Assessment or Statement will be needed for a proposed development the local planning authority will take into account the following considerations:
  • the scale of the proposed development and its potential for additional trip generation (smaller applications with limited impacts may not need a Transport Assessment;
  • existing intensity of transport use and the availability of public transport;
  • proximity to nearby environmental designations or sensitive areas;
  • impact on other priorities/strategies (such as promoting walking and cycling);
  • the cumulative impacts of multiple developments within a particular area; and
  • whether there are particular types of impacts around which to focus the Transport Assessment (e.g., assessing traffic generated at peak times).

Where required the TA should illustrate accessibility to the site by all modes of transport, for example cycle, foot or car, as well as giving details of measures which will a) improve public transport; b) reduce the need for parking; and, c) mitigate transport impact. Government guidance on Transport Assessments is available at: Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements - GOV.UK