Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Tree Survey /Arboricultural Statement

An arboricultural report must be submitted where there are trees within a proposed application site, or on land adjacent to an application site

(including trees in neighbouring gardens and street trees), that could influence or be affected by the development, including works such as site access, service routes and site compounds.

The significance of trees should be identified at the earliest possible opportunity, including their value as features in the wider landscape and any historic significance.
For development proposed close to Ancient Woodland and veteran trees the effect on soils should also be considered. Standing advice exists for ancient woodland and veteran trees can be accessed at:

Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees: advice for making planning decisions - GOV.UK

An arboricultural statement should show how the tree constraints on and adjacent to the site have been correctly incorporated into the design and how these trees are to be retained without damage during construction and future occupancy. The statement must be produced in line with the guidelines set out within BS5837:2012 and shall include:
(i) Tree survey drawing and schedule - The survey shall provide clear data regarding the
species, size, age, condition and useful life expectancy of trees. It shall also categorize
trees, groups of trees or woodlands in terms of their quality and value within their existing
context and not within the context of the proposals.
(ii) Arboricultural Constraints Plan (ACP) – An aid to layout design that shows tree Root Protection Areas (RPA) as well as representing the effect that the mature height and spread of retained trees will have on the development. The ACP shall incorporate the tree survey information as well as illustrate both the above-ground (shade patterns) and belowground RPA constraints posed by the trees.
(iii) Tree Protection Plan – scale drawing produced by an arboriculturalist showing the finalised layout proposals, tree retention and tree and landscape protection measures detailed within the arboricultural method.
(iv) Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) – sets out the information regarding the measures to be taken to protect the trees shown to be retained on the submitted drawings. Also detail the methodology for the implementation of any aspect of the proposal that has the potential to result in loss or damage to a tree.