Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Land Contamination Assessment

Required for all applications where:
  • The proposed end use is sensitive to contamination.
  • The sites are known or suspected of being affected by current or previous contaminating land uses.
  • The proposed end use could cause contamination.

For all applications proposing new buildings where:

  • the development site is or has been used for purposes that may lead to ground contamination (e.g., Industrial land, agricultural land where inappropriate spreading may have occurred); or
  • the site has a history of a contamination incident; or
  • the development site is within an established buffer zone to a site that is known to suffer from ground contamination (for example land where records held by the Council under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 indicates contamination is present).

General guidance is provided on the following website: -
Land affected by contamination - GOV.UK

A Phase I survey will be required as a minimum. A Phase II survey will be required where recommended within the initial survey, at the advice of the Environmental Health Officer, and/or where the site is particularly contaminated and the use is particularly sensitive.