Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Council and Committee meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic

Temporary arrangements to allow Council and Committee meetings to take place.

The government's social distancing instructions mean council and committee meetings are unable to take place in the usual way. However, legislation has been introduced to enable councils to hold meetings remotely.

We've made some temporary arrangements to allow meetings to take place as follows:

Business will be conducted remotely and meetings will be live streamed on our YouTube channel which can be accessed by following the link here

The dates, times and agendas for all our meetings are available online.

Like face-to-face meetings, it may be necessary to exclude the press and public if there would be disclosure of confidential or exempt information.  If this is the case, the live stream will be switched off and the meeting will continue in private.

You still have the opportunity to take part in remote meetings in line with our constitution.

If you wish to participate at one of our meetings then please contact and you’ll be provided with further details about how to contribute.
