Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Heritage Statement

Required when: -
  • applications for planning permission affecting a nationally or locally listed building, its curtilage, or its setting;
  • applications for Listed Building Consent;
  • planning applications affecting a conservation area or its setting;
  • applications for demolition within a Conservation Area;
  • planning application affecting nationally and locally designated parks and gardens;
  • planning application affecting an ancient monument or its setting;
  • planning application affecting undesignated heritage assets that are recorded on the Historic
  • Environment Record including:
    - known archaeological sites;
    - known historic buildings

The assessment will need to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected by the proposed development. The level of detail necessary will vary according to an asset’s importance and the nature of the development/works proposed.

Heritage assets should be assessed using appropriate expertise where necessary.

Further national advice on heritage significance is provided at Historic environment - GOV.UK